On 14 December 2023, we held our third and final informative webinar on our Open Call 1, in which we went through the technical topics to apply to its Track 1 and 2 and held a live Q&A that allowed the innovators who joined us to better understand the key elements of this exciting opportunity.
On this occasion, the attendees had the opportunity to learn all about the open call Topics from Track 1 and the aspects of desired Domains in Track 2. Our technical team, represented by our partners from the Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI), Actimage GmbH, Intracom Telecom, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise and LINAGORA, covered the open call challenges, requirements, expected outcomes, including three deliverables per sprint, and what (technical) support/resources we will provide to the winning parties.

The CORTEX2 Open Call 1 key details
Now that we have developed the backbone and specific features of our CORTEX2 XR platform, we are looking for partners to provide new modules to improve its functionalities, adaptability and replicability in new domains and use cases. In particular, we are looking for research-oriented institutions (universities, foundations, associations, NGOs, etc.) and business-driven organisations (tech startups and SMEs).
The open call beneficiaries will receive up to € 200.000, tailored coaching and monitoring, access to technology and business experts, capacity building on the CORTEX2 platform and XR technologies & trends, and exploitation and commercialisation support during a programme of up to 12 months.
Through this call, we will recruit and support 20 teams through one of our two tracks:
- Track 1: Co-development. For tech startups and SMEs to co-develop our platform’s modules and features and shape the future of teleconferencing together.
- Track 2: Use-case. For tech adopters and developers to apply the platform in diverse domains.
The Open Call will be open until 16 January 2024 at 17:00 CET.
Head to our website to find all the relevant information and documents to read before applying, and watch the complete webinar below to decode the Topics and Domains of this opportunity!
Don’t miss our other two informative webinars. Head to our dedicated YouTube playlist or learn more about them here:
and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter to keep up to date on all things CORTEX2!