CORTEX2_Vasileios Theodorou, _5G and the Metaverse_ conference

Next-generation XR for remote collaboration: The CORTEX2 approach

Our colleague Vasileios Theodorou, Master Research Engineer at Intracom Telecom, showcased CORTEX2 at the "5G and the Metaverse" conference, organised by π-NET Emerging Networks & Applications.

The introduction of state-of-the-art eXtended Reality (XR) features (interactive avatars, 3D environment models, speech/gesture recognition etc.) on video conferencing tools is expected to revolutionise next-generation tele-presence and tele-cooperation applications.

In his talk, "Next-generation extended reality (XR) for remote collaboration: The CORTEX2 approach", Vasileios explained how our project will devise an open, extendable and interoperable framework encompassing such features, as well as Intracom Telecom's contributions towards seamless and resource-efficient integration of IoT devices in XR experiences.

See his full presentation here (from 4.20.00 to 4.29.40):

About Vasileios Theodorou

Vasileios Theodorou is a Master Research Engineer at Intracom Telecom, Greece, active in the areas of multi-access edge computing (MEC), data-driven systems, and network function virtualisation (NFV) for 5G/6G networks. He has been a Research Associate at the Database Technologies and Information Management Group of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), Spain, conducting research on Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) and data quality, business process management and goal-oriented requirements engineering for data-intensive processes. He has also been a Research Assistant at the Adaptive Systems Research Lab of York University of Toronto, Canada, working on adaptive and autonomic architectures, performance modelling and evaluation, cloud computing and SDN security.

About the "5G and the Metaverse" conference

The conference "5G and the Metaverse" is focused on discussing the latest trends in the Metaverse worldwide and showcasing technologies and use cases from Greece and abroad. It included presentations from prominent public agents, scientists, organisations, technology vendors and startups. Furthermore, the event aims to identify tangible projects that could be developed in Greece in collaboration with local and global technology partners.

At CORTEX2, we will invest €4 million in 2 open calls to select 30 projects to create the next generation of extended reality technologies. Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media to be updated on how to participate!